Lucky Rituals Bring Success

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The habits or rituals that lead to rich and famous people to their success are secrets everyone is dying to know, thinking it could hopefully bring them the same fortune.

Read the article about superstitious learning and how the eccentric habits of high-flying individuals bring them success.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the phrase “gospel truth” mean, “Some of their behaviours will have been acquired through superstitious learning – and we may then follow their advice as if it were the gospel truth.”? Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What does “rife” mean, “Creative tasks are especially rife with uncertainty – which may explain why thinkers like Gates, Beethoven and Dickens adopted such specific behaviours to get their thoughts flowing.“? Use this word in your own sentence.
  3. What does “spurious” mean, “It is notoriously difficult to get a new paper accepted by a prestigious journal, she says, and researchers will often find spurious reasons for their successes and failures.”? Use this word in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on superstitious learning?
  2. Give a benefit and a downside of over-imitation.
  3. People sometimes attribute success to something so random rather than their own talent or hard work. Share your thoughts on this.
  4. What are some rituals that you think bring you luck and success? Where did you learn this from? 
  5. Have you ever taken a famous and successful person’s idiosyncratic rites and rituals in the hope that you can somehow achieve the same success? Share about it.
  6. Why do successful people follow eccentric habits?

Entrepreneurs Regret Starting Businesses

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Becoming your own boss might sounds promising. However, this road may not be all that everyone ever dream about because starting your own firm comes with a lot of risks and responsibilities. Some entrepreneurs admit that they would have taken a different route if they could.

Read the article about the regrets some entrepreneurs have with quitting their day jobs to start their own businesses.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does ”to take the plunge” mean, “But if the 54-year-old could go back, he may never have taken the plunge.”? Use this expression in your own sentence.
  2. What does “to hang one’s own shingle” mean, “Of course, there are plenty of success stories, and many people who hang their own shingles would never look back.”? Use this expression in your own sentence.
  3. What does “to follow one’s footstep” mean, “Still, Schreim is cautious about encouraging anyone else to follow in his footsteps.”? Use this expression in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some benefits of starting your own business?
  2. What are some risks of putting up your own firm?
  3. Being an entrepreneur isn’t an easy lifestyle. Share your thoughts on this.
  4. Do you think starting your own business would equal freedom? Why or why not?
  5. What things one should consider and keep in mind when starting their own business?

Don’t Quit Your Job to Start a Business

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There has never been as much information about personal finance as now. You can easily have passive income sources, for example, selling
online or trading currencies.

Read the article on how to start your own business and tap into your hidden talent while having a regular job.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Define the word “sizeable“. “Having the ability do what you love, when you want and on your own terms is certainly attractive, especially when you could potentially build it into a sizeable income.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. Define the word “maverick“. “”Entrepreneurs” are rarely the modern-day maverick who suddenly decide one day to quit their jobs and pursue their dreams.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. Define the word “to get something off the ground“. “By building your business while working full- or part-time, you will have the cash flow in the short term to get your enterprise off the ground.” Give a synonym of “to get something off the ground” and use this expression in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on starting a business while still keeping a day job?
  2. Have you tried following the advice given? How did it go?
  3. What other tips can you add to the post? Do you know someone who has a corporate full-time job while running a business? Describe his/her lifestyle.
  4. Have you ever considered how you might live without a regular job?
  5. What are the pros and cons of being your own boss?

Making Friends After 60 Is Really Hard

B2 – Upper Intermediate

People’s social circles may change as they age, such as the loss of friends due to relocation, illness, or death. As a result, seniors may feel withdrawn and alone. Unfortunately, making friends later in life particularly for those over the age of 60 can be exceedingly difficult but not at all impossible.

Seniors may face issues such as limited social interaction opportunities, access to technology, stigma, and shifts in their social circles. But on the other hand, they can improve their social connections and overall quality of life by being proactive and seeking out new social opportunities.

Relationship building later in life may necessitate greater effort and commitment, but the advantages associated with social connection are well worth it.

To gain additional knowledge, access the link and read the entire article.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “mesh well” mean, “If you can offer that connection and companionship, there is someone out there with those needs whose personality would mesh well with yours, and that person would want you as a friend.” ? Use this expression in your own sentence.
  2. What does “to tap into sth” mean, “To find your people as an older adult, tap into your interests. That might mean signing up for an art class, getting a part-time job, looking for a book club at the local library, trying a new activity like pickleball, or joining a religious, political or volunteer group for a cause that’s close to your heart.” Use this phrase in your own sentence.
  3. What does “going to bag” mean, “ “ Hey, you want to go have lunch?’ — if you’re not feeling quite up to it, you’re probably going to bag,” she said.” ? Use this expression in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What societal factors contribute to the difficulty of making friends in later life?
  2. What is social isolation and how does it affect seniors?
  3. What are some effective strategies for older adults to meet new people and build connection?
  4. How can seniors maintain existing friendships and strengthen social ties?
  5. In what ways can family members and caregivers facilitate social interaction for seniors?
  6. What are the community programs or resources available to help seniors build social connections in your country?

Parents Fearful Of Their Teens’ Social Media Use

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Social media has become an ubiquitous part of modern life, especially for teenagers who have grown up with it. While there are many benefits to social media, such as the ability to connect with friends and family, share information and experiences, and discover new interests, there are also potential risks and negative consequences, such as cyberbullying, addiction, and exposure to harmful content. Remember that social media can be a positive and an enriching experience for your child when used responsibly and in moderation.

But how can you guide your child in navigating the digital world safely and confidently? How do you remain informed and involved in their browsing habits? How can you take an active role in your teen girls’ social media use to help ensure that they experience the many benefits of these platforms while also mitigating the potential risks and harms?

To learn more, follow the link and read the full article.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does ”spectrum of experiences” mean, “Dr. Michael Rich, a pediatrician who runs the Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital, told HuffPost he’s seen other surveys that showed the same spectrum of experiences.”? Use this expression in your own sentence.
  2. What does ”to sift through sth” mean, ”How are we supposed to sift through the various positive and negative possibilities contained in our kids’ smartphones and figure out what course of action is best?” Use this in your own sentence.
  3. What does ”digital natives” mean, “Our kids are digital natives and can figure out a way around pretty much any control setting when they put their minds to it.”? Use this term in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some specific risks associated with social media use for teenagers?
  2. How can you encourage your teens to communicate with you about their social media experiences?
  3. How can you monitor your teens’ social media use without infringing their privacy?
  4. What are some signs that a teen may be experiencing negative consequences of social media use, such as addiction or cyberbullying?
  5. How can you model positive social media behavior for your teens? Please share.
  6. What are some strategies for helping teens develop digital literacy skills? Please provide more details.

The Hidden Life of Buffets

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Buffets have boomed a lot these past few years. Many people like going to buffets because they can eat as much as they want. Buffets are popular because they offer a lot of different types of food to choose from, in addition to unlimited servings.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript to learn more about buffets.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “knock your socks off” mean, “They need to ‘wow’ the guests, or knock their socks off“? Use this idiom in your own sentence.
  2. What does “vicious circle” mean, “It’s a very vicious circle“? Use this in a sentence.
  3. What does “get your money’s worth” mean, “If you’re paying $100, $200 a head for a buffet, you’re gonna pile it up high and take the most expensive things you can, and get your money’s worth.” Use this in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the hidden life of buffets?
  2. According to the article, what is the main problem with buffets?
  3. Do you think buffets will still be popular in the future given concerns about food waste and sustainability? Why or why not?
  4. Are buffets common in your country? Why or why not?
  5. What is your opinion on buffets?

AirPods Track Down

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Thousands of flight passengers flock at airports on a daily basis and they lose things all the time. 

During disembarkation, a passenger quickly realized her AirPods had gone missing on the plane, but was allegedly not allowed to go back to her seat to check if they were back there.

She tenaciously tracked them while being on-the-move for weeks. 

Read the article about a woman’s experience losing her Airpods on a plane and her story on how she tracked them down and got them back.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does ”blast” mean, “She worked out the email format for United employee emails, and “blasted” every single executive she could find, across the globe.”? Use this word in your own sentence.
  2. What does the word “ping” mean, “He matched the address the earphones were pinging from to an address for an employee of the airport – a contractor working to load food onto aircraft.”? Use this word in your own sentence.
  3. What does “lifeline” mean, Maybe they look like AirPods to normal people, but it’s my lifeline to my husband and means something different to me.”? Use this word in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news about a case of alleged theft from a plane?
  2. What is your opinion on how the airline handled this incident? 
  3. What do you think of how Alisabeth handled this incident?
  4. If you were in her shoes, what would you have done?
  5. Have you ever lost anything while on a public transport vehicle/means? Talk about that moment.

What is a Paraben?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When people buy their personal hygiene and cosmetic products, they normally check the label for the ingredients and the expiry date of these products. As consumers, we prefer our products to have longer shelf life to ensure its effectiveness and safety. There are certain substances that ensure the longevity of these products. However, there are risks in exposure to these substances in high doses.

Let’s read the article and know more about some of these substances.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “spruik” mean, “A lot of the endocrine disruptor stuff you hear on social media about parabens is usually from someone trying to spruik a “natural” or “clean” alternative, so you might not be seeing the full picture.” Use this word in a sentence.
  2. What does “without a second thought” mean? “Many things we use every day without a second thought – like aspirin, nylon, and silicone cookware – are synthetic.” Use this idiom in a sentence.
  3. What is “shelf life“? “They work by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi to improve product shelf life and safety.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are parabens? Which products contain them?
  2. Why are parabens used in certain products?
  3. According to the article, why are people hesitant to use products containing parabens?
  4. Do you opt for paraben-free products? Why or why not?
  5. Share your thoughts on the writer’s statement: “I’d take a small amount of a well studied, and well-regulated, chemical in my skincare products over mould any day.“.

Obesity Crisis

B2 – Upper Intermediate

People’s health has declined a lot through the years as a result of many contributing factors. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the global obesity epidemic is worsening. Thus, almost one-third of the world’s population is now overweight or obese.

Read the article to learn about the causes of this obesity crisis.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “sedentary” mean, “These include an increased consumption of highly processed foods, greater levels of sedentary behavior, and a lack of healthcare services to assist in weight management.”? Use this word in your own sentence.
  2. What does “repercussion” mean, “Immediate action must be taken to avoid serious repercussions in the future.”? Use this in your own sentence.
  3. What does “adolescent” mean, “The fastest rising rates are among children and adolescents.”? Give two synonyms of this word and use them in your own sentences.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the current status of the global obesity epidemic according to the World Health Organization?
  2. How has the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the worsening of the obesity problem?
  3. What health risks does obesity potentially pose?
  4. What programs and policies to address obesity has your national government implemented?
  5. What are ways to prevent obesity?

The Willow Project

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The oil drilling in the Arctic has brought so much talk these days, as many disagree because of its potentially catastrophic effect on the environment.

How this initiative will impact the struggling environment in particular is a topic of considerable discussion.

To discover more about the subject, please read the article below.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to give (sth/sb) the green light” mean? “Even as the Bureau of Land Management gave Willow the green light, the Department of the Interior said it would restrict future drilling in other parts of Alaska.” Make your own sentence using this idiom.
  2. Do you know the meaning of “outlier“? “Biden’s failure to restrict the development of domestic fossil fuel resources does not make the United States an outlier.” Please make a sentence using this word.”
  3. How about “to be choked off“? “Some Chinese industrialists want to export electric cars and ensure their country’s supply of foreign oil can’t be choked off, and Texas executives know that they can get rich by building wind turbines.” Kindly make your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about this drilling project in Alaska?
  2. Why do you think there are so many people opposed to this project?
  3. What effects might this project have on the environment?
  4. Do you believe it will irreparably destroy our fragile planet? Share your opinion on this.
  5. Share your thoughts on this: “Willow is only one project. But if you add up all the individual projects, you get the “existential threat” that is our climate crisis.