Virgin Trains Tops Rail Complaints List


B2 – Upper intermediate

A study suggests that taking the train to work makes people happier. But what if you encounter inconveniences related to punctuality or reliability or ticket-buying facilities and others?

Find out why Virgin Trains topped the complaints list across all rail services in Britain.

Virgin Trains West Coast tops rail complaints list


1. How would you rate your city or country’s rail service performance?
2. Do you have a complaint or have you ever complained about the rail service in your city or country?
3. How else can the train service be improved in Spain?
4. What is your reaction on Virgin’s statement that complaints were not the ultimate measure of passenger satisfaction? What do you think is the true measure of commuters’ satisfaction?

Why you Should Travel Solo


C1 – Advanced

What was the worst experience you’ve had traveling with somebody? George Washington once said, “It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company”.

If you haven’t tried traveling alone, read this BBC article that would surely leave you contemplating on going solo on your next vacation.

Why you Should Travel Solo


1. What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of traveling without a companion?
2. Have you ever been on a vacation trip alone? How was it like?
3. Which do you prefer: traveling by yourself or with familiar company?

Speaking Activity: Like It, Love It

This activity will practice your speaking skills by expressing your likes and preferences.

Answer the questions below. Try to add more information.

  • Do you like sports? Which sport do you love?
  • Do you like to stay up late? What time do you go to bed?
  • Do you like to wake up early? Which time do you wake up?
  • Do you like school or work? Do you love school or work?
  • Do you love a special dish from your country? What is it?

  • Who is your best friend? Why do you like (or love) him/her?
  • What movies do you like? What movies do you love?
  • What season do you like the most? Why?
  • What songs do you like? What songs do you love?
  • How do you like to relax? Please explain.

Bonus Questions:These questions are more difficult. Can you answer them?

  • What are you really crazy about?
  • What do you like to do when you hang out with your friends?
  • What do you like to do when you go on vacation?


CEO Hikes Life-Saving Drug 4000%


B2 – Upper intermediate

Martin Shkreli just made hundreds of people hate him by making an outrageous decision of raising the price of his company’s products.

Read the article below to know more about the effects of his detested choice.

‘Hated’ CEO Hikes Life-Saving Drug 4000%


1. Is it fair that companies have the right to hike the price of their product as much as they desire?
2. How do you think consumers should be protected from any price hike of commodities?
3. Are pharmaceutical products in Spain affordable?

Speaking Activity: Family


B1 – Intermediate

For this activity, you’ll be able to talk about family and family life. Be ready to share some of your experiences.

Click the title below and be ready to have a discussion.

Topic: Family

Animals That Are Also Verbs


B2 – Upper intermediate

Pay attention while listening and reading along with this very interesting article. You will find that some verbs are coined from animal names.

Take note of how some nouns can be used as verbs.

Weasel, Duck, Dog: Animals That Are Also Verbs


1. In your own words, explain what it means to weasel your way out of something.
2. Have you ever been hounded by someone to do something?
3. What does it mean to fish for compliments?
4. Aside from the ones used in the article, what other animals can be used as verbs?

Want to Emigrate?

B1 – Intermediate

To leave or not to leave? Most families and individuals have been choosing the option of moving to another country to find a better life. Would you consider yourself one of them?

Are you tired of your home country? Do you dream of better opportunities abroad? Do you sincerely believe that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you and 700 million other people in the world want to emigrate. This figure may sound like a lot, and it is. However, let’s make this large number even easier to understand. 700 million people exceed the entire adult populations of North and South America combined.

The largest numbers of people who want to emigrate come from sub-Saharan Africa. Roughly 38% of adults from this region would prefer to settle elsewhere. However, in Asia, only 10% of the population wants to move. Although reasons weren’t given, Asia’s huge potential for growth likely limited the number seeking lives elsewhere. Sub-Saharan Africa remains a desolate and desperate place for its inhabitants, and experts forecast an even darker future.

The top destination is overwhelmingly the US, despite an economy that continues to struggle. Britain, Canada, and France were all tied for second most desirable country for immigration, with roughly 45 million stating they desired to relocate here. Spain came in third with 35 million votes, and Saudi Arabia was fourth with 30 million. About 25 million desired to emigrate to either Australia or Germany.

There remains the generally idea of prosperity for people in the US, Britain, and other countries. This might serve as the main reason that people in economically depressed regions wish to emigrate. The global economy continues to struggle, with a similar outlook for the near future. But once these countries get back on their feet, citizens there have many more opportunities than the inhabitants in developing countries.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about emigrating?
  2. Would you want to emigrate to another country? If yes, where? Why?
  3. How can migrating be a bad thing?
  4. Do a lot of people from your country migrate to other countries? Why is this the case? What might be reasons they emigrate
  5. In your country, what problems do immigrants face?

Office Workers Head to Relaxation Parlours


B2 – Upper intermediate

South Korean employees are finding ways to get energized and catch up on some sleep.

Read the article below to know more details about the issue. Be ready to express your thoughts.

South Korea: Office workers head to relaxation parlours


1. What do you think of the idea of relaxation parlours?
2. Are there rooms in your office where you can take a power nap or a short break?
3. Would you say that people in your country work long hours?
4. What are the long term consequences of working very long hours?

Lower Your Stress Levels

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Stress is inevitable. We’ve got small ones and big ones.

Read the article below to know some ways we can deal with stress on a daily basis. Express your thoughts afterwards.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the changes mentioned in the article?
  2. Which ones do you practice daily?
  3. Can you think of other ways we can face daily challenges?
  4. What activities do you like to do to relax yourself?
  5. What are some of your favourite hobbies?

Trick For Remembering Someone’s Name

B2 – Upper intermediate

In a room filled with people whom you have to speak to, it can be such a challenge to remember everyone’s name. The article below will give you an interesting tip on recalling someone’s name. Perhaps something you can use at the next party.

A Scientifically Proven Trick For Remembering Someone’s Name


1. According to the article, what’s a good way to remember names?
2. How good are you at remembering?
3. What are some of the things you do to help remember events and birthdays?