How the Progress Bars Keep You Sane?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Progress bars started out as something that provided an update on a given task, to know where you stand, and what exactly you are doing. Does its presence on the screen make people feel better or worse during long-running tasks?

Let’s watch the video to learn more about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. Are progress bars a good way to measure the amount of work that is being done? Do we need it? Why or Why not?

2. Can software influence your emotions?

3. Do progress bars cause anxiety on people?

4. In a daily workday, do you constantly need the validation of your tasks to know your progress?

5. What devices or applications do you use which makes you feel that they are driving you towards a goal?

6. The speaker says, “The progress bar gives you the vision of a beginning and an end and that you’re working towards a goal and in some ways, mitigates the fear of death”. What are your thoughts on this statement?

Harambe, Gorilla Killed at Cincinnati Zoo

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Harambe the Gorilla was a 17-year-old Western lowland silverback gorilla that was shot and killed at the Cincinnati Zoo after a child fell into his enclosure in late May 2016. The incident was wildly criticized by many who blamed the child’s parents for the gorilla’s untimely death. Despite outrage from the public, some experts and activists believe the Cincinnati Zoo did the right thing to fatally shoot an endangered gorilla after a toddler fell into the animal’s enclosure.

Watch the video and read the article from the link below to learn more and be able to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about this news?
  2. Do you think it was right to kill the gorilla? Justify your answer.
  3. Do you think there was negligence from the child’s parents end?
  4. How active are the animal rights group in your country?
  5. In your own opinion, what rights do animals have?

Pig Out

B1 – Intermediate

A French author once said, “To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” This is certainly not the case when a person “pigs out”. We need to eat to survive but some people just eat too much at one time. Is this behavior acceptable?

Many expressions in American English have to do with animals.

Watch the video, learn the expression better, and be ready to discuss afterwards.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What does to ‘pig out’ mean?
  2. Is it ever okay to pig out?
  3. Have you done it before? If yes, what reasons do you think made you do so?
  4. Why do you think people pig out?
  5. Are you a big eater or do you prefer frequent small meals more?

Where Do Cellular Phones Go to Die?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

With the proliferation of modern technologies like computers, mobile phones, and all manner of gadgets, there has also been an alarming increase in its by-products which are detrimental to the environment. Known as e-waste, electronic waste, or simply electronic junk, some of these myriads of circuit boards, flat screens, and other computer internals end up in China where the disposal of e-waste has become a thriving business in one town.

Watch the video that follows and weigh in on this matter.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Whenever you purchase a new mobile phone, laptop, or television, what do you do with the item it replaced?
  2. According to the video, what happens to electronic junk after it has been sorted?
  3. What is your opinion about the methods of e-waste disposal described in the video?
  4. How does your city, region, or country tackle the issue of electronic waste?

How Do We Cope With Quarantine or Isolation?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The Covid-19 pandemic has put almost the entire world into quarantine, which means not being able to live our normal ways, the way we all were used to before the outbreak. For most of us, this has been a new concept that we have to get used to at this moment. Quarantine or self-isolation is strictly advised by many experts in order to contain the invisible enemy that we are battling at present time. However, are we all prepared for this emotional battle of not being able to socialize for a month or more?

Some people are prepared and had undergone trainings in order to deal with it.

Watch the video below as experts and well-trained people speak about isolation. Let’s discuss what you think and feel about being quarantined or self-isolated.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Were you prepared for quarantine or self-isolation?
  2. How are you coping so far?
  3. What have you learned from the experts who were prepared for isolation?
  4. What are the activities that you do while in isolation?
  5. How long will you be able to withstand isolation?
  6. Is there a vital lesson learned from this pandemic and isolation?

Mobile Phones Have Killed Photography

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Photography was meant to capture the moments from the real world. Did mobile phones kill photography or have they made it easier for everyone to take photographs?

Watch the short clip below:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree or disagree that mobiles have killed photography?
  2. Do you enjoy taking photographs? Give examples of things you like photographing.
  3. What kind of tools do you use for taking pictures? Which is the best for photography? Do you use editing apps/software?
  4. What is your opinion on filters and editing apps?
  5. Do you agree or disagree with some of Wim Wenders statements: “everyone’s a photographer”, “selfies are not photography”, and “the less you have, the more creative you become”?

Aromatherapy: Uses, Facts and Health Benefits

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Aromatherapy or essential oil therapy refers to a range of traditional or alternative therapy that uses essential oils and other aromatic plant compounds. It has been used for thousands of years, with the aim of improving a person’s health or mood. Aromatherapy applications include massage, topical applications, and inhalation.

Watch the video to know more about it and be able to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What springs to your mind when you hear the word “aromatherapy”?
  2. What do you know about “aromatherapy”?
  3. Do you think it is a good form of treatment? Why/Why not?
  4. Would you like to try it to treat your illness?
  5. How does your society view this traditional treatment?

Keep Someone at Arm’s Length

B1 – Intermediate

It is good to keep a healthy relationship. It helps us become better people. However, there are some relationships that are too toxic that they would bring more harm than good. Do you opt to stay or do you keep them at arms’s length?

Watch the video and learn what the expression “keep someone at arm’s length” means.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you been in any form of unhealthy relationship? If yes, how long did it last? Is it still ongoing?
  2. Have you had to cut ties with people that you feel are not contributing to your wellbeing?
  3. Is it difficult to end a toxic relationship?

The Real Reason Conspiracy Theories Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Conspiracy theories are defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances by usually powerful conspirators in which existed for about a hundred of years and it continues to flourish until the present time and with the power of the internet, it has quickly accelerated and grown its power. However, is it social media sites’ responsibility to make sure that the videos they promote more likely meet the standard of truth? Or is it our sole responsibility as viewers to verify the accuracy of a certain claim?

Watch the video below that explains why humans fall for conspiracy theories.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you believe that conspiracy theories are dangerous?
  2. Have you seen any conspiracy theories featured on TV or YouTube?
  3. How do you know if the video is factual or fabricated?
  4. Why do you think it is becoming popular on social media?
  5. Do you think conspiracy theories are just interesting and fun or do you think it could present serious consequences?
  6. Talk about a conspiracy theory that you believe in.

Does It Make Sense to Pay People to Have Kids?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most European countries are struggling with population slowdown. Several countries are trying to provide financial inducements to deal with this problem and prevent imminent consequences in the future – but just how effective are these measures?

Read this article and watch the video to see all compelling points around this incentive.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the ‘baby bonus’?
  2. What do you think are the strong and weak points of this measure?
  3. Do you think this kind of bonus would soon be implemented in your country too? Why or why not? What are other good family policies do you have in your country?
  4. Do you agree or disagree that people’s attitudes to having children at all have changed over time? Cite situations to support your stand.
  5. What are other means to reverse shrinking population?