Alcohol Causes Blackouts

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There are distinct impacts of alcohol on the brain. Many drunk people would have finished other duties, such as recalling conversations or even finding their way home, but other people, particularly those who are going through blackouts, find it difficult to recall these difficult tasks or occurrences.

For additional information on how alcohol causes blackouts, watch the video below.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to draw a blank” mean? “When Donald asked them to recall the object a mere 30 minutes later, half the participants drew a blank, having “blacked out” the earlier moment entirely.” Use this expression in your own sentence.
  2. What is the meaning of “moment-to-moment? “ The transfer of moment-to-moment understanding to something we can remember is thought to depend on a process called long-term potentiation or LTP.“Use it in your own sentence.
  3. How about the adjective “blunted“? “So, while moment-to-moment information is encoded and understood, the storage of that information is blunted.” Construct your own sentence using this word.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does alcohol make us blackout?
  2. What are some long-term impact of alcohol on a person’s brain?
  3. What are some of the effects of alcohol on people when they had too much? Can people have control over it? Explain.
  4. Share your insights on using alcohol-induced blackout as a criminal defense or mitigating factor.
  5. How probable is it for individuals in your country to become inebriated as a result of consuming alcohol? And what effect does alcohol have on their actions?
  6. Have you ever experienced a blackout from drinking alcohol? Kindly share your funny or perhaps embarrassing experiences.
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