For this activity, you’ll be able to learn common phrases that you can use at the office. Be ready to also share some of your past work experiences and to talk about employment in your country.
Click the title below and be ready to have a discussion.
Sitting on an office chair for prolonged periods of time can definitely cause lower back pain or worsen an existing back problem. What else are the other effects?
Read the article below to know more about the consequences of sitting for too long.
What’s in a name? Some traditions and culture call for women taking their husband’s name immediately after getting married. But there’s a trend happening when it comes to changing names. Is it really new or is it just popularized by celebrities?
1. How do you feel about this trend of men taking their wife’s surname? 2. Do you know anyone who has adapted this practice? 3. What is the custom in your country when it comes to taking names?
Being emotional or sensitive can sometimes be seen as a weakness. Contradictory to popular belief, it is healthy to be emotionally sensitive. It is, however, important to find the balance with your emotions to avoid over-reaction.
Read the article below to know the details in overcoming sensitivity. The article is divided into three parts. Feel free to read it in parts.
1. Would you consider yourself quite sensitive? 2. How do you react to negative situations? 3. Do you practice any of the suggestions mentioned in the article (journaling, self assessment, meditation)?
The topics of euthanasia and assistedsuicide get a lot of media attention. Only afew countriesaround the worldpermitassistedsuicide and manyothergovernmentswithlawsagainst the practice prefer not to take the issue to court.
Read the article below to find out the stories of some people who are fighting for their right to die. Watch the short video of Brittany Maynard as well.
1. What is your initial reaction to assisted suicide? 2. Should doctors help patients kill themselves? 3. Does your government have any laws related to this issue?
A shelter in Washington, D.C. will be housing homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people. For many, this will be their road to rehabilitation and independence.
Watch the video then read the article to know more about Casa Ruby and how it is helping the LGBT youth.
1. Would you know if your country has the same provision for LGBT youth? 2. How widespread is LGBT in your country? 3. What is your viewpoint on this matter? Do you think people from LGBT communities in your country are well taken care of?
In horse racing, it’s very common to see men as the riders and women as spectators. Not in Maryland. Pimlico racetrack now features female riders.
Watch this video and learn how women are coping in a predominantly male sport.
Discussion Questions:
1. How do you feel about gender equality when it comes to sport? 2. Do you think that gender matters when it comes to being good at a sport? 3. Have you ever been to a horse race before?
How would you define bad teeth? Some people say Britons have bad teeth because their teeth are not white enough nor straight enough. But are those the only measurements?
Read the article below to know more about dental health in Britain and in other parts of the world.
1. After reading the article, how would you define bad teeth? 2. How important is dental hygiene? 3. How do you take care of your teeth? 4. Agree or Disagree: Healthy teeth means a healthy body.
Would you feel comfortable eating at an old toilet? Some business owners in London got really creative with their space.
Watch the video below and see the transformation of this old Victorian toilet.
Discussion Questions:
1. What can you say about the transformation of the old public toilet? 2. Would you consider dining in this cafe? 3. Describe some of the peculiar cafes or restaurants that you have visited or seen in the past.