
C1 – Advanced

One of the tested rules to success is to love and trust one’s self but when is loving or admiring one’s self excessive?

Narcissism is the extreme interest and admiration in oneself.

The video below explores narcissism’s history, types of narcissistic disorder, and how the way we live now tends to foster it.



Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the dangers of narcissism?
  2. How has social media multiplied self-promotion?
  3. What are two kinds of narcissistic disorder according to the video?
  4. In what ways is narcissism beneficial?
  5. Talk about your own experience dealing with a person/people who you believe suffers from narcissism.

The Inevitability of the Office Romance

C1 – Advanced

Fraternization in the workplace involves relationships that go beyond the normal scope of employee interactions. Some companies may allow dating among their employees, but others strictly do not.

Read more about employee fraternization and how an organization can establish a healthy employee dating policy within it.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are some benefits and harms of allowing a romantic relationship in a workplace?

2. Tell me about employee fraternization in your workplace. Why or why is it not allowed?

3. In what industries do you think employee fraternization can and can stringently not be allowed?

4. If employee fraternization were not allowed in your company, what would you do if you fell in love with a colleague?

What Causes Insomnia?

Do you struggle to go to sleep even though you are tired? Or do you wake up in the middle of the night and lie awake for hours, tossing and turning, anxiously checking the clock?

Insomnia is a very common problem and most of us experience this some time in our lives.

So what is insomnia? Is there any way to break the cycle?

Watch the video as Dan Kwartler details the science of insomnia.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What keeps you up at night?
  2. Do you have difficulty falling asleep?
  3. What are some ways to help you fall asleep easily?
  4. How do you feel when you suffer from Insomnia? How do you cope with it?

What Everyone Should Know About Teamwork

C1 – Advanced

We are living in a modern world where people rely much on technology and machines. This only means that competition is also rapidly tougher than before. As competition rises, individualism occurs along with it. Therefore, if we talk about teamwork nowadays, it is almost as impossible as climbing the Himalayas Mountain.

Everyone knows that teamwork is the key to any organization’s success and challenges are dealt with more easily when two or more heads are taking part, but teamwork is a challenge in itself. It requires effective communication and humility towards a common goal.

Discussion Questions:

1. How would you describe your ability to work as a team member?
2. Do you prefer working in a team or independently?
3. Have you ever had difficulty working with a team?
4. Talk about your own experiences that demonstrate teamwork.
5. What strategies would you utilize to cultivate teamwork within your team/department?

What If Humans Disappeared?

C1 – Advanced

Humans have been around for about six million years, and our effects on the planet cannot be understated. We have contributed significantly to the changes in the Earth’s landscapes, global warming, sea level rise, ocean acidification, biodiversity, and many more. So, what would the world be like if humans vanished?

Watch the video below.

Discussion Questions:

1. About the video:
a. What would happen the moment everyone vanished?
b. What would happen days to weeks after humans vanished?
c. What would happen after years and thousand of years after the vanishing?

2. If everyone vanished except you, what do you think would be the first things that would affect you? How would you survive?

3. What are your realizations after watching the video?

Can Envy Be Good?

C1 – Advanced

Envy is defined by Cambridge dictionary as the feeling that you wish you had something that someone else has.  Do you ever feel envious when you see someone like a neighbor getting a new furniture? Do you ever wonder why this feeling overwhelms you? Is it normal to have an impulse of comparing yourself to others?

Discussion Questions:

1. Is there something we need to learn about envy?
2. How are envy and admiration different?
3. When is envy good?
4. How do you deal with envy?


Is Cannibalism Unhealthy?

C1 – Advanced

Human cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of another person. Many think of it as a gruesome procedure and is considered taboo in most countries. Although it is very rare nowadays, there are still some groups or cultures who continue doing this for religious or ritualistic purposes. In modern societies, some forms of cannibalism exist as well.

How nutritious though is the human body as a food source? Watch the video and tell us what you think.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about the reasons stated in the video.
  2. How adventurous are you when it comes to food?
  3. Tell us about bizarre or exotic food in your country.


Rise of Robots End of Work?

C1 – Advanced

Robots and Artificial Intelligence are rapidly advancing in the recent years. Are you one of the thousands of people who are worried about job opportunities in the future? Let us see things in a different perspective and learn more from the specialists.

Watch the video below.

Discussion Questions:

  1.  Are you scared of robots replacing humans?
  2.  What do you think can men do if robots dominate the jobs in the future?
  3.  How can we prepare the next generation with the rise of robots?

Flood of Plastic

C1 – Advanced

Plastics are practically everywhere! We are using them on a daily basis and we all know their alarming effect in the ocean. They say that plastics will outnumber the fish in the sea. Some companies are doing their best to change the course of our future by reducing the use of plastics. There are also some organizations which collect plastics to sell.

Let’s read more about this topic below!

1. Are you concerned about the problem of plastic waste? Why? Why not?
2. What recycling target has the EU set?
3. Do you try to reuse and recycle as much as possible? Please explain your answer.
4. Do you think all companies that currently use disposable plastic packaging will eventually be forced to modify their business models? Why? Why not?

Takeaways from an AI Assistant Laughing on Its Own

C1 – Advanced

Some users have been creeped out by Alexa suddenly talking and laughing without being prompted any commands. Alexa is Amazon’s virtual AI assistant.

After some incidents were reported, Amazon immediately set out to find ways to prevent this from happening again in the future.

Read more on this news and take a look at some takeaways we can get from this whole fiasco. Click on the link below:

Discussion Questions:
1. What do you think about this problem with Alexa?
2. Would you feel scared too if you heard your AI assistant performing tasks unprompted?
3. Do you use AI assistants? Why or why not?
4. Is it possible for robots to be smarter than how they were programmed?