The Smart Way to Learn from Failure

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The idea that failure is a bad thing is one that is quite often held. Numerous people who struggle with something are frequently labeled as losers, but if they take the lessons from their defeats, they become victors.

Failure teaches individuals that success is earned through tenacity and hard work, and that they are just like everyone else. The most valuable lessons in life are commonly learned through bad decisions made and the wisdom acquired through them. But do we actually learn from our mistakes, or do we purposefully fail to acknowledge them and carry on as if nothing had happened?

Check out the following article for more information on how to gain knowledge from our shortcomings.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your personal perspective on failure?
  2. Have there been any failures that made your life better?
  3. Is there a right time to give up and stop trying?
  4. Can you name any well-known figures who failed miserably at something?
  5. Describe a time when you tried something and failed.

Mental Health Benefits of Indoor Plants

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Evidence shows that spending time with nature can improve our mental and physical well-being. It has also been proven to help lift our mood and reduce stress level. However, for those who live in cities, have hectic and busy lives, it’s quite a challenge to find time to get outside with nature.

So why not bring the outside in by introducing plants to your home? Not only it spruces up your home, but also allows you to reap the benefits of indoor plants and nature.

Watch the video to learn more and be able to answer the questions below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the benefits of indoor plants mentioned in the video? Do you agree with them? Why or why not?
  2. Do you have greenery at home? If so, why do you have them? How do you feel about having plants inside the house?
  3. What are some things you do to maintain or improve your mental health?

Everything Wrong With “Woke” Culture

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this day and age, woke culture has spread far, but what does “woke” even mean? It means that one is aware of the injustices in today’s society.

And although this may seem good on paper, in practice, it has become a blight on culture and has become very troubling. Video games, movies, and culture in general has been influenced with toxic ideals.

As an example, woke feminism has shown that all men are toxic and only women are powerful while normal feminism shows that even women can be powerful.

Despite it being only a minor threat and although having a lot of representation, it is still heavily mocked. However, a concerning number of people now believe these ideas.

So if woke culture is continuously upheld, things may change for the worse.

Let’s watch this video on everything wrong with woke culture.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on woke culture?
  2. What is your opinion on the current state of woke culture in our society? Is it good or bad? What is your opinion?
  3. Do you think that there is a way to improve the way we imbibe woke culture? Explain.
  4. What examples of woke culture can you think of?

Thinking about ‘Future You’ Builds a Happier Life

B2 – Upper Intermediate

These days, mindfulness is extremely popular and for good reasons. Being present-oriented can enhance our health and quality of life, foster love and care, and deepen our emotional bonds.
What if we look beyond the here and now? A growing body of research indicates that while thinking about the future can cause anxiety, it can also enrich our lives. Yes, as implied, we ought to give our future selves more of our attention, because through fantasizing, we can look at alternate paths to reach for our aspirations in life.

Read the article to learn about how thinking about ‘future you’ can help lead a better, happier, and more meaningful life.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you hope for for your own future?
  2. What anxieties and concerns do you have for the future?
  3. How has your vision of your future self changed from when you were young to present?
  4. What did you believe about your years ahead when you were younger?
  5. Would you rather spend 100 years in the distant past or the future? Why?

Small Talk

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A psychologist named Susan Pinker says that small talks can help us live longer. It enables people to find common ground and interest. That’s why it is not surprising how small chitchats improve our social interactions.

Watch a short clip below and see how Joseph learns a lesson from a second-grader.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How was Joseph’s first encounter with Adam? How did Adam try to make a small talk with Joseph?
  2. What are your thoughts on this conversation?
  3. Do you like making small talks? Why or why not?
  4. What questions can we ask when attempting to make a small talk? What questions shouldn’t we ask when we make a small talk? Explain your answer.
  5. What are some of the most memorable small talks you’ve ever had with a total stranger?

Safety: Nothing is Routine

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We can be a victim of our own complacency. It happens when the task becomes too familiar, and our brain goes on autopilot. Ideally, we should always be mindful of everything, but because we have done a specific activity so many times, we tend to start getting complacent.

Here’s a video clip that will remind us how dangerous it can be to start being complacent about safety when it comes to our most mundane tasks.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Retell the scenes that you saw in the video.
  2. Do you agree that nothing is routine when it comes to our safety? Express your thoughts.
  3. How can we be more mindful even if we have already done a task multiple times?
  4. Share one experience you had when you didn’t pay no mind to something you were doing which led to an accident or put you in danger.
  5. What safety practices at home and work should we never be complacent about?

The Importance of Intercultural Awareness

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Intercultural differences can be confusing. People from different parts of the world act, talk, and respond in various ways. We are compelled to gain intercultural awareness so we can co-exist with others better.

Watch the clip below and increase your understanding about the importance of intercultural awareness.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you define intercultural awareness?
  2. Tell about a time when you experienced intercultural differences.
  3. What are some ways people can adapt to foreign cultures?
  4. According to the video, it is important to respect foreign customs, rituals, and cultures. How do you think we can do this? Give some examples.
  5. What do you like most about your own culture that you want to share with others?

Meet Emma – Your Work Colleague of the Future

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Are you sitting comfortably? The fact is, that might also affect your health! A team of experts from France, Germany, and the UK created Emma. It’s a life-size model of an office worker with different health problems.

Please watch the video about some hidden dangers of office work and learn more about everyday professions that are actually very risky.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What health problems do you think Emma has? What can help office workers avoid these problems? Do you think you could have any of the problems Emma does? If so, which ones?
  2. Do you agree or disagree that “Workplace well-being in our sedentary lifestyles are having a major negative impact.” Explain.
  3. Do you think the way you are sitting right now is good for your health? Why or why not?
  4. What are your thoughts on “walk and talk” meetings?
  5. What are things do you consciously do to prevent the negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle?
  6. What does your employer/company protect its employees’ well-being?

Guantanamo Bay Releases Oldest Detainee

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It has been around twenty years since the first prisoner set foot in the infamous Guantanamo Bay. There are nearly 800 detainees in this prison camp who are mostly held without charge or trial. Quite recently, the oldest prisoner has been released and sent back home to Pakistan.

Let’s read the article to know more about Guantanamo Bay and the controversies surrounding it.

Discussion Questions:

  1. When and why was the detention camp established?
  2. What is your opinion on Guantanamo Bay’s human rights violations?
  3. What are your thoughts about detainees being cleared for release and do you think it is an “embarrassment to the US”? Share your opinion.
  4. How does your government treat people arrested on suspicions of terrorism?
  5. What is the maximum period of detention for people held without charges in your country? Do you think it is a reasonable period of time?

The 5G Revolution

B2 – Upper Intermediate

With the recent changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, internet connectivity has become almost always necessary in both business and our day-to-day lives.

High speed connection is what most people need especially for work and studies. The new 5G technology promises a much more stable connection and ultra-reliable low latency communication.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about the 5G technology.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is 5G technology? How is it better than the current 4G technology we are using?
  2. What are your thoughts on the controversies surrounding the 5G technology?
  3. Do you think 5G will make wi-fi obsolete? Why or why not?
  4. What are the benefits of 5G in the business setting?
  5. Are you satisfied with your current network connectivity? If not, how do you make it work?
  6. What other improvements do you want to see in internet connectivity?