An Unusual Friendship

B2 – Upper Intermediate

No matter the color, race, or social standing, we all have the capability to reach out to someone if we just keep an open mind.

Please read the article below about an unusual friendship.

For a black man living in the 1960s, life was far from easy. This was the case for Donald Shirley, a musical prodigy and classically trained pianist. His plan was to tour the Deep South, but for a black man living during this era, he knew that his journey would be far from smooth. This was the time when the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) would stop at nothing to voice their extremist views, and they did this through any means thinkable and unthinkable. Violence was often the most popular of means. So, Donald needed protection. He needed some backup. This brought Tony Vallelonga to the scene. He became Donald’s driver.

On the surface, these two men seemed worlds apart. Donald Shirley lived alone, a well-educated man with 3 doctorates under his belt. Tony had followed the school of hard knocks and had grown into a rough-and-ready Italian. Tony’s streetwise nature and his job as a bouncer at the Copacabana, though, led him to cross paths with young Donald Shirley. What followed was a road trip that opened Tony’s eyes to the brutality of racism and a deep, even though at first sight unlikely, friendship developed between the two. It lasted for many decades to come. In the early 70s, Donald Shirley was able to play at the famous Carnegie Hall together with the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.

What had happened to Tony? Well, he went back to his old stomping grounds at the Copacabana, only to be spotted and cast in The Godfather. It’s poignant to note that their unlikely friendship lasted well into the 21st century. Tony’s son recollects how they would go out for lunch together when Donald was playing in town. It seemed that if Donald ever was in need, Tony was the man he would turn to for help. “Whenever Dr. Shirley had any problems,” he said, “he’d call my father, and he’d go and help to sort them out.”

It is no wonder that such a story turned into a Hollywood movie. Stories like these warm our hearts and show us that we don’t have to be alone. No matter our colour, race or social standing, we all have the capability to reach out to someone if we just keep an open mind.

Quote retrieved from the article, “What happened to Don Shirley and Tony Lip after ‘Green Book’? Nick Vallelonga talks us through their friendship” by Gregory Wakeman, posted on November 15, 2018 on Metro.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you watched the movie Green Book? Why or why not?
  2. What do you think made a bodyguard and a pianist, who seemed to be from two different worlds, true friends?
  3. Do you think this story is common or an exceptional one? Explain.
  4. What’s the most incredible story of friendship do you know of?
  5. How does most friendships begin?
  6. How can friendships last?
  7. Who is your greatest friend and why?

Medieval Plague Shaped Human Immunity

B2 – Upper Intermediate

One of the things that helped early humans escape imminent death during the plague is their genes. This is also the same thing that may have a direct impact on our immune systems today.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about how the medieval plague may have affected human immunity today.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to what this study says?
  2. What are your thoughts on this, “The same version of a gene can protect people from a bad infection, but and also put modern people at risk for other illnesses.”?
  3. How important was the Black Death to the evolution of the human immune system?
  4. What do you know about the bubonic plague/the Black Death?
  5. How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic will affect human evolution?
  6. What do you think about this, “In the future, more deadly pandemics will continue to shape us at the most basic level.”?

We Will Fix Climate Change

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Climate change has been a big problem for humanity for a while now, but as each day passes, our hope continues to dwindle.

But what many are trying to hide from you is that we still have a chance to fight back and if anything, we should be more hopeful about climate change.

Things have been getting better, but we all need to help if we want to reach a good ending. One might ask, “Where is the proof?”.

To find out more about what we ought to be doing to tackle climate change, let’s watch this video.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you believe climate change is an existential threat? Elaborate on your thoughts.
  2. Talk about your country’s net zero goals.
  3. After finding about all of this, how has your view about climate change changed?
  4. If you could, what would you do to help beat climate change?

Homeless People Living in Cars

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The number of people living in their vehicles is on the rise as homelessness continues to grow across the US. Some courts have made it illegal to park cars overnight in areas where people may be inclined to sleep. However, many advocates in the homelessness community are opposed to this as well as other policies that are criminalizing homelessness.

Read the article to learn more and be able to discuss the questions below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How big an issue is homelessness in your country and what do you think is being done to address it?
  2. What do you think of homeless people living in their cars? Does this situation happen in your country? What should be done to help them?
  3. What are some reasons why people end up being homeless and turning to their vehicles to have a roof over their heads?
  4. What are the good and bad points of living in a car as a homeless?
  5. Should it be made illegal to park cars overnight in an area? Explain your stand.
  6. Have you ever thought about living the “van life”? What are the appealing and uninviting aspects of it in your opinion?

The Everything App

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In today’s digital world, everything seems to be one click away. There are different mobile apps that can deliver just about any service or product the consumers want. In China, WeChat started as a messaging app and then turned into a one-stop shop. This is what business magnate Elon Musk aspires Twitter to become.

Let’s read the article and know more about the X app.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is Elon Musk’s X, the everything app?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such apps?
  3. How do you feel about using just one app for all your online activities and transactions?
  4. Do you find it burdensome to download different apps for different purposes? If yes, how do you manage it?
  5. Are there mobile apps that have multiple functions? State some.

Children’s Books Dealing with Violent Events Like Shootings

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Unfortunately, school shootings have been occurring more frequently recently. It is but natural and sensical for people to mourn the loss of their beloved young ones. However, there is the underlying aftermath that is often overlooked and that is the trauma inflicted on the survivors and other young students who were made unwillingly aware of the tragedy. For the past decade, there has been an increase in sales of books for young readers on how to deal with violence and sorrow brought about by tragic events like school shootings.

Let’s listen to the podcast and know more about this method that could help young children cope with such god-awful situations.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on children reading these books?
  2. Do you think children are ready to face this harsh reality of life? If not, is it more reasonable to keep them in the dark?
  3. What other ways might help children after witnessing a tragic event such as a school shooting?
  4. Share your thoughts on this statement, “Bringing up violence when a child is not worried about it could increase their anxiety unnecessarily.”

The Meaning of Life According to Different Philosophies

B2 – Upper Intermediate 

The meaning of life can be described in many ways: simple, absolute, soul-centered, non-existent, etc. Philosophers are occupied with the search for meaning and people of different ages ponder over this issue, sometimes driving themselves to anxiety and stress. 

Read the article below to find out what different philosophies have to say about this topic.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has the meaning of life changed for you as you got older?
  2. Would you say that you have fulfilled your childhood dreams?
  3. Why are some people unable to free themselves from expectations?
  4. Is our life a predetermined path? Why (not)?
  5. Do you feel like you are on the right track in life now?
  6. What have you been pondering on lately?
  7. Have you ever tried googling the meaning of life?
  8. At what moments in our life do we start thinking about the meaning of life?
  9. In your opinion, what is ‘the crisis of meaning’? Why are people hungry for the meaning of life and why do they go through a crisis when they find none?

The Workers Leaving Their Dream Jobs

B2 – Upper Intermediate

What are the familiar dream careers that your buddies tell you about when you were young? Probably, “I want to be a movie star!” or “I would like to become a doctor so that I can help other people! “

You frequently hear advice to be realistic and choose a profession that pays well from parents, relatives, and sometimes even from complete strangers. Some friends and accomplished individuals may on the other hand, advise you that following your passion is the secret to success.
Naturally, you will be confused and worried over whether you ought to pick a different profession that you have no interest in simply because it appears favorable for your future or follow your heart’s desire blindly with such little possibility of earning money from it. Having a career you’re enthusiastic about is wonderful! However, some employees are abandoning their dream jobs in constant search of security and stability.

Now the question is, how do you determine when it’s not worthwhile to follow a career you’re passionate about and when to take a different (financially wiser) path?

To learn more, check out the following article.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “omnipresent” mean, “These days, more than ever, the idea that happiness and success are linked to working in a ‘cool’ job – a role you’re passionate about in an interesting, envy-inducing workplace – is omnipresent.“? Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What does the expression “to put up with” mean, “Employees who love their job or really value their work are willing to put up with harsher conditions than others, such as non-standard working hours or low pay.“? Use it in your own sentence.
  3. In your own words, explain “passion trap“. “Now 31, free from hospitality, on a rapidly rising wage and finally well rested, Andrew’s keen to coach others out of the ‘passion trap’ he found himself in.” Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What might be reasons people would quit their dream jobs?
  2. Would you walk away from a job that you are passionate about for stability and security? Why or why not?
  3. What job do you aspire to have and what are your absolute non-negotiables when it comes to work? Are there any jobs you would refuse to do, regardless of the pay? Why?
  4. What advice would you give someone who is in a job where they are feeling overworked, underappreciated, and underpaid?

Buying Pre-Loved Clothing More Important than Ever

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Some people love shopping for clothes, bags, jewelry, and all sorts of other things that have already been used by others previously. These products are called “pre-loved”. As you are not the first to use/wear them, they are normally priced very low as compared to brand new ones.

Read the article on why buying pre-loved clothing is important now more than ever and be able to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever bought pre-loved items before? What do you think about these products?
  2. Do you agree with the author’s opinion about pre-loved items? Why or why not?
  3. What are the impacts of “pre-loved” shopping to people and environment?
  4. Are your shopping habits less detrimental to the world if you shop secondhand items anyway? Explain your thoughts.
  5. How does this article change your mind about buying pre-loved items from now own?

The premium that we have to pay to have exclusive rights to be the first consumer to use the product is eliminated in pre-loved shopping and the preloved consumer can enjoy the same product for a drastically reduced price. It’s definitely a tantalizing offer that many cannot afford to miss out on .

Is Marijuana Bad for Your Brain?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The United States categorized marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance in 1970, which was the harshest classification imaginable and meant that it was fully banned and had no accepted medicinal use. The medicinal advantages of marijuana are now generally recognized, but this does not provide an answer to the question of whether marijuana usage for recreational purposes is harmful to the brain or not.

Watch the video to find out whether marijuana is really bad for your brain.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the view on marijuana in your country?
  2. Should marijuana be made legal? Why or why not?
  3. How would our society change if marijuana was legalized?
  4. Other than marijuana, what are known illegal drugs in your country?
  5. What penalties are imposed if someone is found selling or using illegal drugs?