Free Public Transport

B1 – Intermediate

How do people usually go to school or work in your city? Often, taking public transportation such as bus or train is one of them.

What if they make bus or train rides free in your city? Some German cities have tried giving free public transport.

Read the article and find out why they want to do this.

Discussion Questions:
1. Why are some German cities giving free transport services?
2. What are the pros and cons of this measure?
3. What is your opinion on this?

Citizens Give Cash to Help the Government

B1 – Intermediate

All countries have debts that they need to pay. This is why the government tries its best to find ways to pay for them.

In Malaysia, the citizens did something to help the government pay the country’s debts.

Read the article and learn how Malaysians helped the government.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your opinion on what the Malaysians did?
2. Would you give money to your government to pay your country’s debts?
3. Have you ever used crowdfunding to collect money for something/someone?
4. Have you ever given money to someone/for something by crowdfunding?
5. What are your thoughts on crowdfunding?

Electricity in All Villages

B1 – Intermediate

Electricity is a basic necessity. But not all places in the world have it. In some remote communities, people still have to live in the dark.

Read on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proud announcement that every Indian village now has electricity.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are your thoughts on this news? How are Indians’ lives going to be changed?
2. What do you think it would be like to live without electricity?
3. If there was a power outage in your village/city for a day/a week, what would you do?
4. Are there still areas in your country without proper electricity or other services available?
5. If there’s one service (electricity, water, telephone, internet, cable TV, mobile, gas) you can live without, which one would it be?

World Trade Center Subway Station Reopens

B2 – Upper Intermediate

People welcomed the first train rolled into the new WTC Cortlandt station. The train station was buried under the rubble of the Twin Towers on 11th September 2001 and now the new fully accessible station features a mosaic that uses words from the Declaration of Independence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what ways do you think the re-opening of the subway station will be most beneficial?

2. How would Americans feel about the re-opening of the train station?

3. Do you think re-opening of this train station will bring back bad memories of the 9/11 attack?


US to Spend Billions on Artificial Intelligence Weapons

B1 – Intermediate

What springs to your mind when asked about AI or Artificial Intelligence? Well, opinions differ for sure. Some would say it is of great advantage and some would say it is dangerous or a few would say they don’t care.

The United States will spend billions on developing AI weapons. They wanted to be ahead in terms of this technology as China and Russia are known to have their own.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on AI weapons?
  2. What would be the outcome if these weapons will be used in the future?
  3. Will there be more of the advantages than the disadvantages?
  4. How do these weapons protect the welfare of the country?
  5. Would these weapons make the US more powerful than its counterparts?

Town Governed Through Twitter

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Social media has undeniably become a vital part of our societies. It is an essential tool for our daily activities such as communicating, socializing, accessing to news and information, and making decisions.

A small town in Spain takes the use of social media to new heights.

Read the article about Jun, a town governed via Twitter.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Why or why not?
  2. What do you think are the positives and negatives of using Twitter this way?
  3. How else do you think social media can be used in a positive way?

Man Escaped Communism by Zip Line

B2 – Upper Intermediate

More than 30 years ago, Daniel Pohl attempted to leave his country and its Communist views. The means by which he tried to escape was highly unconventional and required a lot of daring.

Watch the video to find out more about Pohl’s amazing feat.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is Daniel Pohl? Explain what he tried to do.
  2. What is your take on his escape strategy?
  3. Talk about the bravest or most daring thing you have ever done.

Japan Lowers Age of Adulthood

B1 – Intermediate

More and more young Japanese do not want to get married and start a family. This would affect the economy and the whole society in the future.

To avoid serious consequences of this trend, the Japanese government has decided to change adulthood age from 20 to 18.

Read on about this change through the article below:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say about this change?
  2. What effects are the Japanese government hoping for with this change?
  3. Do you think those would be achieved?
  4. How do you think the traditional “Coming of Age” Day in this country will change now?
  5. What are some things 18 and 20 year-olds do in your country?

Cash for Not Speeding

B2 – Upper Intermediate

From 2018 to 2019, Brabant, the Netherlands will be installing a dynamic speedometer. This would track whether drivers are following the 30 km/hr speed limit.

The project aims to make motorists attentive to their speed and at the same time, earn some cash for the benefit of their community.

Find out more about this new road safety scheme through the article below:

Discussion Questions:
1. What are your thoughts on this news? Do you think positive reinforcement would work in this case?
2. Do you agree that keeping the proper speed when driving reduces the occurence of road accidents?
3. What are other ways to achieve zero or reduced road fatalities?

The Green Card Lottery

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The government’s protection on one’s pursuit of happiness is the main concept of the American dream. People from different parts of the world would like to have a piece of this dream. In order to do so, the first step would be to secure a green card.

There are millions of immigrants who are applying for this to gain residency in America. Every year, a lottery is held by the US government to give out green cards.

Read on to find out more details about the American Green Card Lottery.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is a green card?

2. What are the benefits of having a green card in the United States?

3. Why do people from many countries wish to live in the USA?

4. Would you ever want to live in the United States of America? Why or why not?