Top 50 Job Interview Questions

Getting ready for an interview? This article will give you tips on how to answer top interview questions.

Read on and be ready to have a speaking activity. You’ll be able to practice by answering some of the featured questions during the discussion.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you had an all-English job interview?
2. What do you think are the questions that are difficult to answer?

Signs You Were Born and Raised in Spain


B2 – Upper intermediate

Are you a true-blue Espanol? Read the article and see which among the cultural quirks you can identify with. Be ready to debunk the myths, explain the idiosyncrasies, and add what you think is missing from the list.

15 Signs You Were Born and Raised in Spain


1. Which ones do you practice? Which ones are not true for you?
2. Do you think you can add more to the list?
3. What do you think is the history behind some of the mentioned practices?

Vocabulary: Food – Different categories

Couple drinking beverage 00

A1 – Beginner

This page will show you the different English terms of food. From fruits and vegetables to spices and seasonings.

Click on each food category and familiarize yourself with the different terms. Be ready to use some of the words during the speaking exercise.


Food Vocabulary: Different Categories


1. Do you like to cook? Which ingredients do you often use when you cook?
2. What are your preferences when it comes to eating bread?
3. Which type of you meat do you prefer?

Vocabulary: Basic Food and Drinks


A1 – Beginner

This resource will help increase your vocabulary when talking about basic food and drinks.

Read and listen to the different English terms for basic food and drinks and be ready to use them during the speaking exercise.

Basic Food and Drinks


1. What do you usually drink in the morning for breakfast? Are you a coffee or tea drinker?
2. What fruits do you enjoy eating?
3. What are the vegetables you least like or don’t like too much?

Generation Y – Their Attitudes towards Work and Life

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Members of Generation Y are born in a time of constant access to technology in their youth. Also called millennials, this generation has been, somewhat, criticized for how they view life.

Read the article below then express your thoughts about the topic.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the different characteristics of Generation Y?
  2. What is your opinion of generation Y?
  3. What do you think are some of the advantages or disadvantages of other generations?
  4. Are people from the “older” generation always more wise and correct in their ways of thinking and choices? Why or why not?

A Chinese Man’s Plea for Love


C1 – Advanced

Does status play a role when two people are in love? In China, it does. And, most of the time, it’s not easy getting around it.

Read the article below to find out about Xiao Yang and how he dealt with his sensitive situation.



‘I am a painter’: A Chinese man’s plea for love


1. What do you think of Xiao Yang’s letter?
2. Do you think the mother was right to have misconceptions?
3. China has a very interesting history when it comes to status symbols. Is it the same in your country? Discuss some of the traditions you have in your country when it comes to marriage and the role of men and women in society.

Jurassic World Breaks Box Office Record

Jurassic World

B2 – Upper intermediate

A success of a film is measured by the number of people willing to go to a movie theatre for it. Following its release in June of 2015, hundreds and thousands of movie-goers flocked to the cinema to watch the film Jurassic World.

After reading the article, talk about the the movies that you think are good. You may also answer some of the activities included in the article.

Jurassic World breaks box office record


1. Out of curiosity, do you believe in dinosaurs?
2. Have you watched all three films of Jurassic Park?
3. What are some of the films that you found to be really good?

EU Enlargement – What Comes Next?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The European Union is a politico-economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe. It has grown from the six founding states to the current 28. Joining the European community has become a primary goal for most European politicians.

Read the article below and express your thoughts about EU enlargement.

Discussion Questions:

1. As a citizen of the EU, what is your opinion of further expanding the union or adding more countries?
2. Do you remember the time when your country joined the EU? Do you think it was a good idea for your country to join the EU?
3. How do you think Europe would be like if the EU weren’t ?

What your Name says about You

C1 – Advanced

We all need to be identified. From the time of birth and even before conception, most parents have already thought of names for their children.  The origin of our names can be from names of the seasons, famous people, from baby books or simply from our parents’ imagination.

Is choosing a good name necessary?



1. Are you happy with your name? How did your parents choose your name?
2. What are some of the most common names for boys and girls in your country?
3. Do you know the meaning of your name? If yes, what does it mean?
4. Do you believe some names or words have magical qualities?
5. Is the trend of naming children changing in your country?

The Nightmare Retirement Scenario

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Have you ever thought of your retirement? We all age and would need to leave our jobs to enjoy our savings and life after years of work, but have we really given it a thought?

Let’s check a scenario and possible ways on how we can keep our retirement on track.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the age for mandatory retirement in your country? What is the advantage and disadvantage of retiring at this age?
  2. Where and how would you like to spend your retirement years? Why?
  3. How are you preparing for your retirement years?
  4. What are the three (3) things you would like to accomplish/have before and after you retire?