How to Stay Focused at Work When You’re the Boss

C1 – Advanced

Whether you are a simple employee, a manager or a company owner, you  need to stay focused on your job to be continuously productive. However, there’s almost always something that may distract you and could affect your performance at work.

In the link below, CEO’s of different companies share how they stay focused on their job.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say on this statement: “The CEO’s job is not for the faint-hearted.” ?
  2. What’s your impression on CEOs and bosses in general?
  3. What does it take to be a great boss/CEO?
  4. How do you stay focused at what you do? How do you deal with distractions at work?
  5. For you, what would be the best working conditions to achieve optimum results?

Fall Ill When on Holiday

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most people have probably experienced accomplishing all their tasks right before they go on holiday. In effect, they would subsequently encounter post-work health decline too.

Read the article on the truth about leisure illnesses.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the causes of leisure illness?
  2. What do you think are ways to prevent it?
  3. Have you ever experienced leisure sickness? Why did you get sick at the time?
  4. How do you feel before and after going on holiday?
  5. Would you be more conscious about leisure illness now that you are aware it exists? Why or why not?

Video: Cosmetic Surgery Boom in China

B2 – Upper intermediate

In Europe, young people try to improve their chances of finding employment by learning English or by going to a foreign country.  It’s an altogether different story in China where young job seekers go to extreme lengths to make sure they land those much coveted jobs.

Watch the video below and be ready to share  your thoughts on the disturbing trend among young Chinese people aiming to be part of the workforce.

Cosmetic surgery boom in China


1. According to the video, what are some of the most common procedures that patients have?
2. How much do the procedures cost and who pays for them?
3. What is your general opinion of plastic surgery?
4. Is plastic surgery something that is common in your country?

Robotic Firefighter

C2 – Proficient

Some elements of science fiction are turning into science facts. Case in point,  the use of machines that have humanoid form to do tasks too risky for their Homo sapiens counterparts is slowly but steadily changing operations in various industries.

One such robot is SAFFiR. Read about this firefighting mechanical wonder and watch the video as well.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Describe the robotic firefighter.
  2. What might be its pros and cons?
  3. How do you feel about robots saving human lives in dangerous situations?
  4. Do you think robots would do a better job than human beings in search and rescue operations? Elaborate.
  5. Why do you think some robots are engineered to resemble humans physically?
  6. Should we dread or look forward to the further rise of the machines? Explain.

Video: Is talking on your cell bad for you?

C1 – Advanced

Cellphones are now an essential part of living. Without our cellphones, it’s pretty difficult to function normally. Nevertheless, Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains that we have limited knowledge of it.

Click the link below to  know more about the dangers of using mobile phones.

Is talking on your cell bad for you?


1. According to the video, how should we use our mobile phones?
2. What kind of radiation does a cellphone emit?
3. What did the World Health Organization say about cellphones? Who may be more at risk?

Are Computers Making Us Less Clever?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this digital age, humans are growing more and more reliant on technology. We all know that technology is supposed to make our lives easier and more comfortable. However, what do you think are the things that we are losing when we rely too much on computers and smartphones?

Listen to the podcast and be ready to answer some discussions. Take note of new vocabulary words.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some skills that you think you may have lost a little due to gadget/technology dependency?
  2. How do you make sure you don’t get de-skilled at something?
  3. In your opinion, how dependent are we on computers? Cite examples of situations that prove your point.
  4. Do you agree that we are dependent on computers and technology? Why or why not?
  5. How dependent are you on your phone? Why do you think this is the case?
  6. Which do you prefer, meeting other people online or speaking with them face-to-face? Why?

Autism & Air Pollution


B2 – Upper intermediate

We have come a long way since autism was first studied. We now have multiple research about its different causes. Nonetheless, new developments and analysis are continuous in hopes of helping multiple parents and families cope.

Read the article below and be ready to express your thoughts.

US Study Links Air Pollution to Autism


1. What is autism and what are its symptoms?
2. According to the article, what is the link between autism and air pollution?
3. Does your country have advanced facilities and knowledge when it comes to helping children with autism?
4. In your opinion, why do you think there is a rise in diagnosed autism?


Love and Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this generation, both men and women have equal rights of pursuing a career for the family. In a household where both are working full time, occupied schedules can get in the way.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever been in a situation where most of your time is devoted to work?
  2. Do you think there’s an issue with married couples or couples who live together who work for the same company?
  3. How do you balance home and career?
  4. Is interoffice relationship allowed in your company?

Valentine’s Day: A History of the Day of Love

B1 – Intermediate

Read the article below to know the brief history of Valentine’s Day. Understand the story behind the holiday when most countries spend a lot of money and when florists and chocolate stores have very good profit.

Discussion Questions:

1. Is Valentine’s Day big in your country? How do people usually celebrate it?
2. Do you think Valentine’s Day is too commercial or consumerist? Explain.
3. Talk about your favourite Valentine’s Day memory.

The Perks of Being a Googler


B2 – Upper intermediate

Employee benefits are optional, non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries. At Google, the benefits are what employees live for.

Read the article below to know more about the benefits that workers in Google truly enjoy.

Google Employees Reveal Their Favorite Perks About Working For The Company


1. What are your benefits as an employee of your company?
2. What are some perks that you wish you had?
3. Are you able to still follow your passion while working in your company?
4. What are the things you like about your company or office?