100 Years of the Word Robot

B1 – Intermediate

In the past few decades, there has been rapid progress in modern technology. In some cases, we’ve seen how science-fiction turned into reality. Some people are even warning us of the possible consequences of this fast technological changes.

This year, we celebrate the 100th year of the word “robot” and we have come to a point when such technology has become more common as robots are now being used in major industries.

Let’s get to know more about the origin of the word robot by clicking the link and listening to the audio.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Are robots used in your industry?
  2. What are some of the uses of robots?
  3. Do you think it is possible for a robot revolt to happen in the future?
  4. What do you think are the pros and cons of fast technological change?
  5. What are some science-fiction concepts in movies that turned into reality?

How Eating Out Keeps You Poor

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A lot of people are struggling with money because of different reasons; they may have student loans, health insurance, cost of housing, and many more. These are the costs that are already fixed but there is a way to lessen our expenses by cost-cutting on our luxurious habits like eating out in restaurants or drinking in bars. Although these are our ways to unwind from our busy day from work, we can also wind up with less money.

Let’s watch the video below to learn how eating out keeps you poor.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you bring brown-bagged lunches at work or eat out?
  2. How often do you eat out? How much do you usually spend?
  3. What are the pros and cons of eating in a restaurant?
  4. According to the video, what are the strategies to lessen eating out?
  5. How do you lessen your expenses or save more money?

British Pubs and Coronavirus

B1 – Intermediate

Pubs are probably one of the first things you think of when you hear “the UK”. Going to pubs is a big part of not only the British culture but their day-to-day life.

However, due to the pandemic in 2020, restaurants and pubs had to be closed to prevent the virus from spreading among people.

The life that British knew was never the same.

Read the transcript and listen to this audio about British pubs and Coronavirus.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news? What about Lamb and Flag closing?
  2. How important are pubs in the UK?
  3. Do you have the same culture in your country? Talk more about it.
  4. Have there been many restaurants and pubs that had to close because they haven’t been able to recover financially in your country too? How does that make you feel?
  5. Talk about one favorite place you used to go to before but now has closed because of the pandemic. 
  6. Do you think we will go back to our old ways after the pandemic is ended or would some things change?

Signal App

B1 – Intermediate

Messaging apps are applications that we can use for instant messaging. Many of such apps have been developed and are used by many around the world. The popularity of these apps greatly differs between countries.

Just like other messaging apps, Signal lets users send messages, make audio and video calls with their friends, and share photos, videos, and links. But how different is it from the leading apps like WhatsApp and Skype?

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about this new messaging app.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you heard of this app? What do you think about it?
  2. Why do you think Signal app is becoming popular?
  3. What is the most popular messaging app in your country? What are its features? Why is it popular?
  4. What feature is important for you in a messaging app?
  5. Why are this kind of apps necessary?

People Eat Less Chocolate

B1 – Intermediate

Chocolate is the most popular sweet treat in the world, thanks to its delicious and sweet taste. People around the world consume a lot of cocoa beans a year.

Although it has many health benefits, chocolate still has a bad reputation for causing weight gain and other illnesses.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about people consuming less and less chocolates.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you like chocolates? Why or why not? Which kind of chocolate is your favorite?
  2. Do you think chocolate is healthy or not? Support your answer.
  3. Is the Spanish society affected by this issue? If so, what are the reasons?
  4. How will the change of people’s mindset affect the chocolate business, especially the chocolate farmers?

Better Future for Businesses

B1 – Intermediate

Coronavirus has impacted not only the public health system and the economy. The pandemic caused massive disruption among businesses. Many businesses closed due to lower demands and employee health concerns.

Some businesses have been successful in adapting to the new situation, but many still wait for the vaccine so they can go back to their usual operations.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about better future for businesses.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How has COVID-19 affected businesses in your country?
  2. How have businesses adapted to the ‘new normal’?
  3. How will the vaccine change the current situation?
  4. How will the vaccine change the mindset of the people?
  5. What do you think will be the future of businesses in your country?

How to Break Bad Habits

B1 – Intermediate

Why are bad habits so hard to break?

First, what are bad habits? A bad habit is a negative behaviour pattern–perhaps one that causes bodily harm. What about your daily glass of wine, you ask? If it is not causing any pain or putting your health at risk, I would not consider it a bad habit. If you drink a whole bottle, get sick, and have trouble waking up in the morning, that may be a different story.

Let’s listen to the audio to know how to break bad habits.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you have any bad habits?
  2. Do you think all habits are bad? If not, what do you think are some good habits to have?
  3. Where do you think we learn our habits from?
  4. Do children learn bad habits at school or at home?
  5. Are you aware of any habits that are considered bad manners in one country but not in another?
  6. Which bad habit do you think would be the most difficult to get rid of?

World Anti-Doping Agency

B1 – Intermediate

There have been a number of high profile athletes whose titles have been revoked for using illegal performance-enhancing drugs. These athletes are well-aware of the harmful effects and social consequences of doping in sports events and yet they still chose to do so. One particular doping controversy happened in Russia.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the World Anti-Doping Agency? Should they have more strict enforcement of their rules?
  2. Why do athletes dope?
  3. Do you think doping athletes should face more repercussions than just being stripped of their titles?


B1 – Intermediate

Cyber-bullying is quite a common issue nowadays. It is easily done by people who hide their identities by making fake profiles. Peoples lives can be ruined just by bad comments posted in their social media accounts.

Let us hear more about cyber-bullying in the audio.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Is cyber-bullying a common problem in your country right now?
  2. What are the reasons why people bully others online?
  3. Are there consequences for the people who do this?
  4. What can be the effect of cyber-bullying on the victims?
  5. Is there a way to stop people from cyber-bullying others?

Being Single

B1 – Intermediate

People always wants to find love but others tend to choose to be single for tons of reasons. We could say that being in a relationship gives us happiness and belongingness while being single gives us freedom and thrill.

Let us hear more about the good and bad thing about being single in the audio.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the pros and cons of being single?
  2. What are the pros and cons of being in a relationship or being married?
  3. Is it better to settle down when you are young or when you are old?
  4. How does one’s life change when they are single versus when they are in a relationship/married?