What’s the Point of Blood Types?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

I don’t think we are consciously aware of why we have different types of blood. For some cultures, it could be a determiner of how you possess your personality.

Scientifically, our blood types are most likely to exist to fend off some infectious diseases such as the one that the world is currently facing. They say that the one that defines blood types are the genes that were inherited.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the personality type associated with your blood type mentioned in the audio?
  2. How important is it to know our blood types? How does knowing it been helpful to you so far?
  3. Are different blood types related to different personalities? Support your stand.
  4. When did you know your blood type? What was the situation you were in that led to you knowing your blood type?
  5. Talk about the unique beliefs in your country related to blood types?

No More Bosses

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Holacracy is a method of removing job titles and hierarchy. In this system, decision-making is distributed among self-managing teams. In this method, certain positions in the business hierarchy such as managers are dissolved.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the benefits of having a boss/manager? Can you think of any disadvantages in the absence of one?
  2. Do you agree with holacracy? Are there companies in your country that practice holacracy?
  3. Describe your relationship with your former and current bosses. How helpful were they to you?

Coronavirus: Dealing with Mass Unemployment

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A lot of people have been stressing about being permanently or temporarily laid off from their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic. It has caused financial problems to a lot of people. Some started finding jobs that are not in their fields of expertise and some have been trying to survive by the money that the government has given them. They say that we are not yet in a place where we can talk about recovery and the ripple effect will come in the future.

Let’s listen to the audio below to learn more.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Has the pandemic caused mass unemployment in your country?
  2. What would be the ripple effect of mass unemployment?
  3. Would upskilling or reskilling be the answer to our problem?
  4. What are your thoughts about not having a job for life?
  5. What do you think are other ways to deal with mass unemployment?

A Man Collects Old Phones

B1 – Intermediate

Hassan al-Tourky has a fascination for old phones. This is his unusual past-time. He and his children have the same passion for old telephones. They even have a small business for it.

Read the transcript and listen to the audio to find out more about Hassan al-Tourky’s unusual hobby.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your hobbies? What are your unusual hobbies?
  2. What thing/things do you collect? Why do you love them?
  3. If you could collect any old thing what would it be and why?
  4. What thing do you want to own from a famous person?
  5. Do you want your children to have the same hobby as you? Why or why not?
  6. Why is having a hobby important?

Vaccine Volunteers

B1 – Intermediate

Over 25,000 people in the US have volunteered to be part of COVID-19 vaccine trials. They will help find a safe and effective vaccine faster. This will help us to see the end of this pandemic soon.

Read the transcript and listen to the audio and be able to answer the discussion questions.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the risks and benefits of clinical trial vaccines?
  2. Would you volunteer for a vaccine study? Why or why not?
  3. Are human trials for vaccines worth the risk? Explain your point.

Go to Town

B1 – Intermediate

When you do things, do you do them with a lot of enthusiasm? How about when you want something, do you do or spend everything you’ve got just to enjoy it?

Let’s listen to the audio about the expression ‘go to town’.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is something that you have done with a lot of enthusiasm?
  2. What is something that you have splurged on?
  3. Are you the type who always ‘goes to town’ or do you do things in minimum?
  4. Why is it good to ‘go to town’? Why is it bad?

Fight Tooth and Nail

B1 – Intermediate

One of the best traits a person can have is being persistence. It is the determination to achieve an objective despite setbacks. In order to do to reach our goal, we must sometimes ‘fight tooth and nail’.

Listen to this audio and find out what ‘fight tooth and nail’ means.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What does ‘fight tooth and nail’ mean?
  2. What do you do when things don’t go according to your plan? Do you usually have a fallback plan?
  3. Is being persistent always good or is it better to know when to give up?
  4. Talk about a time when you had to go through major difficulties to achieve your goal.

Is This The Era of Distrust?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The fallout of trust on the government, companies, and even individuals is evident in the recent years. As access to information is at an all-time high, it creates room for doubts on people’s minds. We tend to be cynical about almost everything now.

Is it really bad that we doubt? Do we simply have to trust everything we hear and see? Or should we realize that sometimes there is more to it than meets eye?

Listen to this podcast about trust in this day and age.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you a trusting person or a skeptic?
  2. Are you familiar with the Ponzi scheme mentioned in the podcast? What is it about? Did something similar happen in your country?
  3. How would you describe someone who is gullible?
  4. What makes someone truly trustworthy?
  5. Talk about a situation you know of where public trust was betrayed.

World Autism Awareness Day

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Autism is a growing global health crisis. The United Nations General Assembly declared April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) in Qatar, 2007. WAAD aims to educate people about autism and different intervention. It celebrates the unique talents and skills of people with this disorder. People with autism are warmly welcomed and embraced in community events around the world.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript and be able to discuss the questions that follow.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of the UN adopting a resolution to recognize this disorder?
  2. How can this resolution help people with autism?
  3. How are people with this disorder viewed and treated in your country?

Online Piracy

B1 – Intermediate

Because of Covid-19 restrictions, a lot of people stay at home. One thing you can do in your house is watching movies and series. Normally, you need to pay for subscription to Netflix, Amazon Prime, or HBO to be able to watch.

But what do you do if don’t want to pay to watch movies and series? Some people go to online piracy sites. These are websites where you can download or stream films and TV shows illegally but for free. This action is a big problem for the entertainment businesses.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about online piracy.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is online piracy and how does it affect companies like Netflix and Disney? What are its effects on the entertainment industry?
  2. What is your opinion about online piracy?
  3. How common or big is this problem in your country?