B2 – Upper Intermediate
Cyberattacks have become a prevalent threat in today’s digital age. These malicious acts target individuals, organizations, and even governments, causing significant damage and disruption. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, cyber criminals are constantly evolving their tactics to exploit vulnerabilities in technology systems.
One of the most concerning aspects of cyber attacks is the potential for widespread impact. A single attack can compromise sensitive information, disrupt critical infrastructure, and lead to financial losses.
Check out the article to find out how a cyberattack affects a hospital.
Vocabulary Questions:
- What does “cripple” mean? “A ransomware cyberattack on one of Barcelona’s main hospitals has crippled the centre’s computer system and forced the cancellation of 150 non-urgent operations and up to 3,000 patient checkups.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘cripple’ in your own sentence.
- What is the meaning of “contingency plan”? “He said the hospital’s contingency plan would allow them to function for several days, but he hoped the system would be fixed sooner.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘contingency plan’ in your own sentence.
- What does “to cut off access” mean? “Spanish state news agency EFE said the attack cut off access to patients records.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘to cut off access’ in your own sentence.
Discussion Questions:
- What is your reaction/thoughts on this news?
- Have you heard any news regarding cyberattacks, or has your company ever been a victim of one? Tell me the story.
- What do you think could be stolen from you by a cybercriminal?
- How important is cybersecurity? Do you believe that you are secured online? Share.
- What question would you like to ask a hacker?