French “Right to Disconnect” Law


B2 – Upper Intermediate

Work-life balance is a global issue now since we are constantly asked by our employers to be always online. The pressure and stakes are high. If we don’t follow them, we might not get the promotion we’ve long been aiming for or worst-case scenario, lose our jobs. But is all this worth the stress?

France had declared a new law that allows employees to have the right to disconnect. Some say it is what every country needs but is it really possible (to be TOTALLY disconnected from work)? Let’s read and start a discussion about the topic.

Discussion Questions:

1. What can cause a lot of stress according to this article?
2. What do you think about this new French law?
3. What are the advantages of this law for the employees? What are the disadvantages of this law for companies?
4. What new laws do you have in your country?

Compulsory Voting

 B2 – Upper intermediate

There are currently 32 countries with compulsory voting around the world. They include Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, Singapore, Cyprus, Greece, and others. Of these 32 countries, 12 aggressively enforce their mandatory voting laws with penalties of varying kinds, including nominal penalties and small fees of as low as $15 and the deprivation of government services or the freezing of one’s bank account.

Listen to this podcast to know more about exercising our right to vote:

Discussion Questions:

1. Are you a voter? Why is important to vote? Should it be made compulsory?

2. Does compulsory voting contradict the concept of free will?

3. Do you agree with some people who choose not to vote as a form of political expression?

Venezuela Seizes Toys for Its Children

B1 – Intermediate

The government of Venezuela has decided to confiscate some toys from a distributor to give them to children for free or at discounted prices in time for Christmas. Do you think the government has the right to do this?

Read the article and let’s discuss.

 Discussion Questions:

1. What is your general opinion about the article?
2. How important are toys to children?
3. What are some of the toys that you enjoyed during your childhood?
4. What can you say about the toys of children today?
5. Is the government right to take the toys for the children?

More Rights for Women in Saudi Arabia

B1 – Intermediate

Each country has its own rules and customs. Some are liberating while others are dated.

Read the article and discover how Saudi Arabia is changing some of their traditions.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are some of the rights that you enjoy as a woman in your country?
2. In your country, what other laws should the government pass for women and children?
3. How are the women viewed in your society?

Postal Service Back After 20 Years

B1 – Intermediate

Somalia’s government has restarted its postal system after 20 years. Its return is just one example of Somalia getting back to normal after its long period of political troubles.

Read the lesson on Somalia’s postal service resumption after two decades. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How important do you think is the postal service to a country?
  2. How long do you think it will take for Somalia to be as “forward” as other countries are right now?
  3. Has your country ever experienced some kind of interruptions in services due to political problems? Talk about it.
  4. What are the most important things to focus on when a country is recovering after a long period of chaos?

Shoppers in Venezuela to be Fingerprinted

B1 – Intermediate

Venezuelans are experiencing food shortages in their country. The government came up a with a solution and decided to have shoppers scan their fingerprints to monitor the groceries they purchase. Venezuelans think this is illegal and that it will take their privacy away from  them.

Read the article and express your thoughts about it.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “panic buying” mean? “It’s a kind of panic buying. President Nicolas Maduro has started a new system to stop people buying too much.” Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What is a “smuggler“? “The government blames smugglers who buy cheap goods and take them to Colombia to resell them for up to four times their original price.” Use it in your own sentence.
  3. Can you give 1 synonym of “shortage“? “There are many reasons for Venezuela’s food shortages.” Use “shortage” in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think that fingerprint scanning is the solution to the food shortage that they are experiencing? Explain.
  2. In your opinion, what is the best solution to this problem?
  3. Have you experienced food shortage in your country? Talk about it in detail.