Japanese Managers Tell Employees to Learn English

B2 – Upper intermediate

It’s no surprise that English has become the world’s language when it comes to business and learning English in companies is now the norm.

Click the title and read the article to know more about the company Rakuten and its journey with the English language.


Discussion Questions: 

  1. Explain the reason why Japanese managers would like their employees to be able to speak in English. Do you agree with their logic?
  2. How do you feel about the whole experience of learning English?
  3. In the article, it said that “…it is humiliating for Japanese workers to speak English. It is thought of as a way of getting rid of unwanted workers.” What is your reaction to this?
  4. Aside from English, what other languages do you think are very useful to learn?
  5. How would you describe your country’s education of English in schools?

The Job of a Food Stylist

B2 – Upper Intermediate

They say, “We eat with our eyes.” Have you ever wondered why food or dishes in magazines look so mouth-watering?

Watch the video below about the job of a food stylist and see what a dish goes through before it is advertised online or on print.

 Discussion Questions:

  1. Describe how Lisa Cherkasky became a food stylist.
  2. Share your thoughts on this kind of profession.
  3. How important is this kind of job?
  4. Do you get hungry when you look at appetizing food photos on books or on TV? Did you get hungry after watching the video?
  5. What are some food you usually crave for?

Mistakes You Can Make at Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It’s one thing to notice someone else’s attitude. It’s another to notice your own. You may be performing very well but your colleagues hold you on low regard due to some behaviors you manifest.

Read the article below to find out some office behaviors or mistakes workers do at work.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to cast someone in a negative/bad light” mean, “No matter how talented you are or what you’ve accomplished, there are certain behaviors that instantly change the way people see you and forever cast you in a negative light.“? Write your own sentence using this idiom.
  2. What does “at all costs” mean, “The following list contains nine of the most notorious behaviors that you should avoid at all costs.“? Give 2 synonyms and write your own sentence using this idiom.
  3. What does “to take credit for someone else’s work” mean, “Taking credit for someone else’s work­—no matter how small—creates the impression that you haven’t accomplished anything significant on your own.” Give 2 synonyms and write your own sentence using this idiom.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How well do you blend in with the people in your office?
  2. Are you familiar with any of the behaviors mentioned in the article? Share some experiences.
  3. Do you almost always try to be at your best behavior but still feel that you’re not giving enough due to prying eyes especially at work?
  4. How do you deal with coworkers who could be a bit difficult to work with?
  5. What are some things you can’t stand people who you work/you’ve worked with do?

Getting Caught Red-Handed

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We always try to do our job well. Who would want to be caught slacking off or doing something you aren’t supposed to during your shift.

Check out the article and video below then share your thoughts on the employee’s actions.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Did you think what happened to the traffic reporter was funny or unfortunate? Do you think he handled the situation well?
  2. If you were in the traffic reporter’s place, how would you handle the situation?
  3. If you were the station manager, would you do anything to reprimand the employee?
  4. Share a situation where you were caught red-handed.

Young and Free: Prerequisite for Success

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Starting a career or a business when you are young is nothing but easy. Perhaps all of us went through struggles as that newbie in the company. But for some others, they used being young and free to their advantage and stopped at nothing to succeed.

Read the article below about being successful at a young age and be ready to discuss the different idiomatic expressions used in the article.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How was your work life like the first years you joined the workforce? How has it changed over time?
  2. Describe a situation at work when you had to start from scratch.
  3. Are you the type of person who takes the bull by the horns? Talk about a time in your career when you had to make a bold move.
  4. Are you interested in working on your own startup? Why or why not?
  5. Do you agree that it’s a dog eat dog world out there? Elaborate on your thoughts.

Time Management to Improve Health and Productivity

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Keeping up in today’s fast-paced world can be a daunting task to many. Take control of your life by enhancing your time management skills. Learn valuable tips from an expert through this article.


Discussion Questions:

1. Describe your time management skills at work and at home.
2. How do you deal with distractions?
3. Share your own approach in getting things done.