Open-Plan Offices

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In recent years, companies have opted for open-plan offices to encourage employee interaction and collaboration. In a new study, however, having an open floor plan may in fact have the opposite effect and be counterproductive.

Read the article to find out more.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the article all about? Explain in your own words.
  2. What are the pros and cons of having an open floor plan? What about a closed one?
  3. Talk about the layout or floor plan of your own company/office. How do you think can communication and teamwork be improved in your company?

What Everyone Should Know About Teamwork

C1 – Advanced

We are living in a modern world where people rely much on technology and machines. This only means that competition is also rapidly tougher than before. As competition rises, individualism occurs along with it. Therefore, if we talk about teamwork nowadays, it is almost as impossible as climbing the Himalayas Mountain.

Everyone knows that teamwork is the key to any organization’s success and challenges are dealt with more easily when two or more heads are taking part, but teamwork is a challenge in itself. It requires effective communication and humility towards a common goal.

Discussion Questions:

1. How would you describe your ability to work as a team member?
2. Do you prefer working in a team or independently?
3. Have you ever had difficulty working with a team?
4. Talk about your own experiences that demonstrate teamwork.
5. What strategies would you utilize to cultivate teamwork within your team/department?

Forget Office Cubicles, Try ‘Co-working’

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In a more globalized world, sharing resources hasn’t been new. Now, a new concept of a “Co-working Space” which helps small businesses and self-employed individuals to stay connected with others by renting a room or small place to work.

Let’s learn more about this and read the article below!


1. What does Carl Pierre think the advantages of such a workspace are?
2. What do you think about the concept of co-working spaces?
3. What does your workspace look like?
4. Do you prefer working outdoors or in an office? Why?
5. Do you think that, in the future, all business will be conducted from a co-working space? Why or why not?
6. Do you think that, in the future, offices will become obsolete because of the Internet? Why or why not?

Women Will Never be Equal to Men

C1 – Advanced

The issue of equality between men and women is nothing new. This is especially obvious in the workplace. Despite differences, both men and women are to work together harmoniously.

Read the article below then express your thought.

Women Will Never be Equal to Men


1. Are men and women truly equal?
2. Are men and women equal in ability and intelligence?
3. Will women ever be equal to men in the workplace?
4. Should men and women be granted equal status?
5. How do you ensure that men and women are equally considered in a hiring process?

Reasons We Don’t Call in Sick

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most of us can choose to go on as many sick leaves as we want but for some reasons, we decide not to take advantage of this work benefit.

This BBC article offers explanations as to why many people choose to still go to work even if they are already very ill.

Discussion Questions:
1. Kindly name some reasons why people choose not to take a time off of work when sick.
2. Have you ever gone to work even if you were very sick? If yes, Why did you do it? If not, why so?
3. Do you think “Working on sick leave, weekends and vacations has become the norm”?
4. How is absenteeism rate monitored in your company?
5. Talk about leaves (vacation and sick days) in your country.

Native English Speakers are World’s Worst Communicators

C1 – Advanced

Misunderstandings between native English Speakers and ESL speakers happen more often than you think. There happens to be a certain comprehension between two ESL speakers as compared to a non-native and a native speaker.

Read the article below then express your thoughts. Share some of your experiences as well.

Native English Speakers are the World’s Worst Communicators


1. Have you ever been in a situation where you are in a group listening to a native English speaker and everyone is unsure of the message?
2. Do you ever nod in agreement even if you don’t understand what the person is saying?
3. Do you understand non-native English speakers easier than native English speakers?
4. Do you know any other English abbreviations like ‘OOO’ (out of the office)?
5. Which do you find easier to understand, US English or UK English?

Strike in South Korea

B1 – Intermediate

The fight for better wages continues. In South Korea, workers are fighting for a wage system that pays based on performance and not on tenure.

Read the article then listen to the audio clip. Express your thoughts about the topic.

For additional information on this story, read also:

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “seniority” mean, “More than 40,000 South Korean workers in different industries went on strike as the government said that their pay should be based on their job performance rather than on their position or seniority.”? Use this word in your sentence.
  2. What does “demand” mean in this sentence, “The workers demand a stop to adopting the legal wage system based on performance which the government is pushing and they say will hurt the people.”? Use it in your sentence.
  3. What does “dispute” mean, “Workers hope that the protest will achieve their aim and allow the disputes to be resolved soon.” Use it in your sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘strike’?
  2. Do you think salaries should be based on performance or seniority? 
  3. Are there a lot of labor strikes and unions your country?
  4. What are the changes necessary in your current labor system/policies?
  5. In your country, is the minimum wage enough to live by?

Brown Shoes Could Lose You a Job

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When you show up for a job interview, you need to ‘dress the part’. This means that you need to wear clothes that would make you look very suitable for the job you are applying for.

If you dream of being an investment banker in the UK, you need to be wearing the right color of shoes to get that job. According to a report published by the U.K. Social Mobility Commission, it’s possible to lose a chance at a job if you don’t fit the classic look of a ‘polished city banker’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Describe a complete outfit you’d wear to a job interview.
  2. Should a job applicant be judged by what they are wearing rather than their skills or qualifications?
  3. One respondent in this study said he even had to change his accent. What is something that you changed or willing to change in order to get a job?
  4. Why are looks very important in some jobs?
  5. Talk about some ‘unwritten expectations’ of Spanish workers in your own industry.

Bad Day at the Office

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When you accidentally send a text message to your boss but was meant for your boyfriend or girlfriend, what do you think is the best way to deal with it?

BBC asked the question, “What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you at work?” via Quora, a question and answer website. Below are some of the interesting answers.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever had at work? How did you recover from the humiliation?
  2. What do you think are the benefits and setbacks of painfully losing one’s pride in the office?
  3. How would you describe your office? Do people get along well or is distance kept?

Work You Were Meant to Do

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We often wonder why people choose to settle over something which don’t seem to suit them. We often feel like he or she is too good for whatever they choose to do.

Each person has a different calling in life. Have you found yours?

Discussion Questions:

1. How would you explain the term “calling”?
2. How satisfied are you with your life at the moment?
3. Can you say that you’ve found your purpose in life?
4. What are some of the changes that you wish you could do?