French “Right to Disconnect” Law


B2 – Upper Intermediate

Work-life balance is a global issue now since we are constantly asked by our employers to be always online. The pressure and stakes are high. If we don’t follow them, we might not get the promotion we’ve long been aiming for or worst-case scenario, lose our jobs. But is all this worth the stress?

France had declared a new law that allows employees to have the right to disconnect. Some say it is what every country needs but is it really possible (to be TOTALLY disconnected from work)? Let’s read and start a discussion about the topic.

Discussion Questions:

1. What can cause a lot of stress according to this article?
2. What do you think about this new French law?
3. What are the advantages of this law for the employees? What are the disadvantages of this law for companies?
4. What new laws do you have in your country?

Making Someone Redundant

B2 – Upper Intermediate

If one is ever made to be redundant, their employer must treat them with fairness and act in accordance with their contract and legal redundancy rights. That includes making sure they’re consulted, following the right selection process, and giving them sufficient notice period.

Everyone should know their rights when faced with this situation.

Watch the video and read the transcript about making someone redundant.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is work redundancy common in the workplace in your country? Talk about some instances you know of.
  2. What are the rights of an employee who has been terminated due to redundancy?
  3. In your opinion, how long should the notice period be?

Compulsory Voting

 B2 – Upper intermediate

There are currently 32 countries with compulsory voting around the world. They include Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, Singapore, Cyprus, Greece, and others. Of these 32 countries, 12 aggressively enforce their mandatory voting laws with penalties of varying kinds, including nominal penalties and small fees of as low as $15 and the deprivation of government services or the freezing of one’s bank account.

Listen to this podcast to know more about exercising our right to vote:

Discussion Questions:

1. Are you a voter? Why is important to vote? Should it be made compulsory?

2. Does compulsory voting contradict the concept of free will?

3. Do you agree with some people who choose not to vote as a form of political expression?

The Pros and Cons of Pesticides

B2 – Upper Intermediate

For many years, people have relied on using pesticides in order to prevent agricultural catastrophes. However, it is not without consequences. What are the negative effects of using pesticides?

Watch the video below to find out.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides?
2. After banning DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), do you think Paul Hermann Müller’s Nobel Prize should have been revoked?
3. Are there strict regulations regarding the use of pesticides in your country?
4. What do you think will happen in the event of an agricultural catastrophe?
5. Can you think of alternatives to chemical pesticides not mentioned in the video?

Potential New Planets

B1 – Intermediate

NASA scientists on Monday announced the discovery of 219 new objects beyond our solar system that are almost certainly planets.

What’s more, 10 of these worlds may be rocky, about the size of Earth, and habitable.

Discussion Questions:

1. How close do you think we are to finding a “second” Earth?

2. Why do you think scientists are so invested in finding new planets?

3. If the time came, would you consider moving to another planet?

Students in Amsterdam Share Housing With Refugees

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There are at least two biggest problems in every European country. They are: the influx of refugees and the increasing prices of apartments. Amsterdam might have a solution to this problem. They have introduced a new concept called “Startblok” where university students can live in a low-priced good quality apartments with refugees.

Watch the video, listen to the audio and read the article to know more about this integration project between university students and refugees.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are the students and refugees expected to do in exchange for the cheap housing?
2. What are your thoughts on the “Startblok” project? Do you see this succeeding in your country?
3. What is the general attitude towards refugees in your country? Do you think that refugees find it difficult to integrate into your local community?
4. Is housing cheap in your country? Would you ever consider moving abroad because of lower housing costs?


Mindfulness Meditation Room for Students

B1 – Intermediate

A school in New York built a new meditation room and hired a meditation consultant to help its students and staff relax and perform better.

Watch the video to find out more about this unique approach.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is mindfulness meditation?
2. Have you ever tried any form of meditation?
3. In your opinion, what mental health issues can be addressed by meditation?

Forget Office Cubicles, Try ‘Co-working’

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In a more globalized world, sharing resources hasn’t been new. Now, a new concept of a “Co-working Space” which helps small businesses and self-employed individuals to stay connected with others by renting a room or small place to work.

Let’s learn more about this and read the article below!


1. What does Carl Pierre think the advantages of such a workspace are?
2. What do you think about the concept of co-working spaces?
3. What does your workspace look like?
4. Do you prefer working outdoors or in an office? Why?
5. Do you think that, in the future, all business will be conducted from a co-working space? Why or why not?
6. Do you think that, in the future, offices will become obsolete because of the Internet? Why or why not?

Food Waste

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Food waste is food that is discarded or uneaten. Each year, we dispose of a third of the world’s food.

Listen to this podcast to learn more about food wastage and ways to stop it.

Let’s talk:

1. Where does the biggest percentage of food waste come from?

2. What usually happens to the food we waste?

3. What are the consequences of food waste?

4. What is Selina Juul doing to stop food waste in Denmark? What are other ways to avoid wasting food?

5. What do you tend to do with your leftovers?

6. How’s not finishing your food viewed in your country?

Multiple Careers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There is a new trend in some societies. It’s having more than one occupation. There is someone who is a part-time computer programmer and a part-time musician or someone who is a teacher by day and a bartender by night.

Click on the links below to listen to and read the transcript of this BBC 6 Minute English podcast about having several jobs.

Discussion Questions:
1. When you were young, how did you answer the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up”?
2. What do you do now? Are you interested in getting another job? If so, what kind?
3. What does the term “portfolio careers” mean?
4. What might be the good and bad things about having portfolio careers?
5. Think of other reasons why having multiple jobs is becoming a trend.